The Rain Athletics facility is located at 4200 Walnut Street McKeesport, PA!
We are 20 minutes from the city of Pittsburgh, 20 minutes from the PA Turnpike, and even closer to areas like Elizabeth Township, White Oak, North Huntingdon, Irwin, Monroeville, Plum, Penn Trafford and more!
Check out our Gym Virtual Tour!
Since March 2023, our Rain Athletics family has been challenged to overcome massive damage to our beloved gym due to a storm. We are so THANKFUL for all of our Rain family members who have shown so much patience and empathy for us while we worked through our repairs and renovations.
Now, we are SO PROUD to announce that our gym renovation is complete AND our new gym expansion is open! Our gym upgrades include:
New Parking Lot Entrance (w/ convenient red light for safe entrance)
New Parking Lot Lighting and Sidewalk Lighting
In our Competitive Team Gym:
Renovated Lobby Area w/ Seating
Two Full Spring Floors
Wall-to-wall Spring Flooring for increased safety
Athlete Break/Drink Area
Video Review Area
In our BRAND-NEW Class/Private Lesson/Show Team Gym:
A full gym space dedicated to our Class, Private Lesson and Show Team Programs! This space will allow us to offer more classes and clinics with a much more consistent schedule not impacted by our Competitive Team schedule. More info coming soon! This space includes:
Full Spring Floor
Rod Floor
Tumble Track
A huge selection of tumbling and training mats
Additional Spring Strip
Additional Lobby w/ Class Viewing Area & Seating